Prologis, Inc. (NYSE: PLD), líder global del sector inmobiliario industrial, anuncia hoy que ha sido completada la adquisición de los activos inmobiliarios y la plataforma operativa de KTR Capital Partners (KTR) y sus filiales por una precio de compra total de 5,9 billones de dólares.
Las propiedades han sido adquiridas por Prologis U.S. Logistics Venture (USLV), sociedad conjunta propiedad en un 55% de Prologis y en un 45% de Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM). La cartera de activos incluye más de 5 millones y medio de metros cuadrados de portfolio operativo, más de 330.000 metros cuadrados de suelo en desarrollo y más de 620.000 metros cuadrados de suelo con potencial de desarrollo.
“Estamos interesados en la adquisición de activos en los Estados Unidos siempre que se complementen y sean de la misma calidad de nuestro portafolio de activos actuales,” comenta Hamid Moghadam, presidente y consejero delegado de Prologis. “Esta transacción tendrá un impacto positivo de forma inmediata y aportará valor a largo plazo a nuestros accionistas a través de un incremento de los ingresos netos por alquiler del portfolio operativo y en desarrollo,” añade Mogahadam.
Se espera que esta transacción suponga un incremento en 2015 de ingresos por operaciones (Core FFO) de aproximadamente 0.09 dólares por acción. Esto representa un crecimiento año tras año de más de 16 por ciento de media.
“Hemos trabajado muy duro en los últimos años para fortalecer nuestras finanzas e ir a por oportunidades como esta,” comenta Tom Olinger, director financiero de Prologis. “Si miramos hacia el futuro vemos que podemos financiar las futuras promociones inmobiliarias a través del reciclaje de capitales. Creemos que esta capacidad de autogestión de fondos, en combinación con el crecimiento orgánico de los beneficios netos y estabilizaciones de futuras promociones a desarrollar, reducirá la deuda de forma considerable" añade Olinger.
Acerca de Prologis
Prologis, Inc, es el líder global del sector inmobiliario. A fecha de 31 de marzo de 2015, Prologis había realizado inversiones, sobre base consolidada o a través de joint ventures no consolidados, en propiedades y proyectos de desarrollo por un total de aproximadamente 55 millones de metros cuadrados en 21 países. La empresa arrienda modernas instalaciones de distribución a más de 4.700 clientes, incluidos fabricantes, minoristas, empresas de transporte, proveedores de logística de terceros y otras empresas.
Forward-looking statements
The statements in this release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations, estimates and projections about the industry and markets in which Prologis operates, management’s beliefs and assumptions made by management. Such statements involve uncertainties that could significantly impact Prologis’ financial results. Words such as “expects,” “anticipates,” “intends,” “plans,” “believes,” “seeks,” “estimates,” variations of such words and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements, which generally are not historical in nature. All statements that address operating performance, events or developments that we expect or anticipate will occur in the future — including statements relating to rent and occupancy growth, development activity and changes in sales or contribution volume of properties, disposition activity, general conditions in the geographic areas where we operate, our debt and financial position, our ability to form new co-investment ventures and the availability of capital in existing or new co-investment ventures — are forward-looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Although we believe the expectations reflected in any forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, we can give no assurance that our expectations will be attained and therefore, actual outcomes and results may differ materially from what is expressed or forecasted in such forward-looking statements. Some of the factors that may affect outcomes and results include, but are not limited to: (i) national, international, regional and local economic climates, (ii) changes in financial markets, interest rates and foreign currency exchange rates, (iii) increased or unanticipated competition for our properties, (iv) risks associated with acquisitions, dispositions and development of properties, (v) maintenance of real estate investment trust (“REIT”) status and tax structuring, (vi) availability of financing and capital, the levels of debt that we maintain and our credit ratings, (vii) risks related to our investments in our co-investment ventures and funds, including our ability to establish new co-investment ventures and funds, (viii) risks of doing business internationally, including currency risks, (ix) environmental uncertainties, including risks of natural disasters, and (x) those additional factors discussed in reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission by Prologis under the heading “Risk Factors.” Prologis undertakes no duty to update any forward-looking statements appearing in this release.